Sponsorship goal 23/24 season

29th June 2023 Hough, Northowram, Halifax HX3 7DE, UK Football

As we have recently reformed in the 22/23 season and with a new developing squad we are looking to keep up momentum as we have taken a step up in standards.

With this in mind we would like to gain a sponsor for the upcoming season and potentially going forward.A sponsor who would be fully represented by the club in a manner which the sponsor chooses however we would be looking to feature them in regular social media posts as per last seasons sponsors along with being our kit sponsor and potential for further opportunities at club events etc.

As a local grassroots club we understand we are one of many but would like the opportunity to grow as a club and a team and a sponsorship of £1500 would really help us achieve our season goals to perform quality training sessions and also represent ourselves as a club with a good kit on matchdays. Whilst also promoting the sponsor.